Artworx Gallery and Gifts

Address: 12 Hays Street, Goolwa, SA 5214
Contact: John Francis
Contact: Liz Francis
Phone: (08) 8555 0949
Email: admin@artworxgallery.com.au
Website: View website
Facebook: Visit Facebook Page
Artworx Gallery and Gifts is the finest contemporary art gallery on South Australia's Fleurieu Peninsula.
Artworx welcomes visitors and art lovers alike from 10.00 am to 4.30 pm on Wednesday to Monday, public holidays or by appointment.
At the beginning her Weekend Notes, Karen Ross wrote:
Contemporary art, outré statements and quirky surprises Goolwa is gaining quite a reputation as an art-hub and it's well deserved. There's a collection of charming galleries in town, each with its own special character. Read more....